I Let You Go-Clare Mackintosh

I love Clare Mackintosh. I realized that I hadn’t published my review for “I Let You Go” and knew I had to get on it right away!

Jenna Gray is running from her past that was left in shambles by a hit and run. But it seems as though no matter how far she runs, her past is right behind her, haunting her and her every day actions.

I Let You Go is 371 pages long and took me 3 days to read.

Because I read Clare Mackintosh’s second novel “I See You” first, I was all amped up to read I Let You Go. Clare did not disappoint. I’m giving this story a 3.5 out of 5. I did not see the twist coming and thoroughly enjoyed following along in my unknowing bliss until the twist smacks you in the face.

Thank you so much Curtis Brown Group, Ltd. for sending me this copy!

Here’s to the adventure of finding a novel novel!


Published by laceydoeslit

I love books, my dogs and a good pizza.

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